Episode 10 | Up in Smoke: The True Story of Marijuana's CriminalizationÂ
Wikipedia: Legal history of cannabis in the United States
ACLU: Marijuana Legalization Is a Racial Justice Issue
University of Georgia: History of Marijuana Regulation in the United States
Center for American Progress: The Facts on Marijuana Equity and Decriminalization
NIH: Legalization, Decriminalization & Medicinal Use of Cannabis
Vera Institute: Legalizing Marijuana Doesn't Mean It's Legal for Everyone
History.com: Why the US Made Marijuana Illegal
History.com: The Complicated History of Cannabis in the US
University of Chicago: Mexicans and the origins of marijuana prohibition in the United States: a reassessment
The New York Times: Opinion | The Injustice of Marijuana Arrests
UC Law School San Francisco: The Criminalization of Medicinal Marijuana
NACDL: Cannabis Justice Initiative